“End the reenactment drama.”

“End the reenactment drama.”


Reaction is part of the reenactment drama of the past and is not only an unconscious tracing of past experiences, but also an attempt by the mind (ego) to change the outcome of the past, which is completely ineffective.

It is actually living in the past without noticing, and thereby being unable to live in the present.

The reason why the past is repeated over and over again in the form of such reactions is that the emotions caused by past events remain unsublimated by they have not been accepted or fully felt, and thereby the events themselves have not yet been acknowledged as facts.

In order for the past to become the past, we need to accept the facts as they are, but in order to do so, we need to find out the underlying events which have been being caused the reactions, and the assumptions and beliefs about them, through self-inquiry. Through this self-inquiry, we can accept the undigested past as fact is, and finally let go of the distorted views that the mind (ego) clings to, and put the past in the past.

Of course, the ultimate self-inquiry is the search for “who exactly am “I”?” But even if we have actually transcended duality through the ultimate question, if we still have reactions, and even more so if we have not yet truly transcended duality, the self-inquiry to uncover the source of these reactions whenever we become aware of our own unconscious actions and words (reactions) is tremendously significant in order deepen our spiritual awakening.

This is because we can all, in the course of repeated self-inquiry, one day unexpectedly transcend the realm of the mind into the non-dual world without any intention of the mind (ego), and if we have actually transcended the dual world at least once, this small self-inquiry will further secure the nondual world where the true Self, Consciousness resides. Eventually, this small self-inquiry itself will no longer be necessary.

At that moment of transcendence, we come to comprehend by hearts that the world as the mind (ego) sees it is all an illusion, but without this self-inquiry, even if we had knowledge of it before we got there and had tried to assume, “Well, the awakened person said, ‘This dual world is all an illusion,’ so that’s what that means,” such a knowledge will never become true if there is no actual transcendence.

On the contrary, the world of truth remains nothing more than an empty fantasy without any sense of real. This is so-called self-deception, and this self we are deceiving then is actually the mind (ego).

Is that what the heart really longs to do?

Is there actually a liberation from the reaction? In brief, can we be sure without any conditions or excuses that the reenactment drama of reaction has ended without any effort of control by reason?

Hasn’t our heart actually longed to ascend ourselves to a much, much higher noble world, not such false truths which is control by the mind (ego)?


This is another one of those reenactments, but many people say that they can be happy when someone is pleased.

However, this is only a pleasure of the mind (ego), and there is an unstable mind (ego) that depends on the praise of others for happiness which is based on the blind belief that an exchange condition is necessary for happiness.

On the other hand, pure happiness and joy are found in just being.

So why do so many of us cling to happiness and pleasure that depends on the presence of others, rather than pure happiness and joy of beingness?

For any of us, it is necessary to reveal each of these things for ourselves through self-inquiry.

Only then can we liberate ourselves from one drama after another, and this sincere devotion will one day inevitably be able to come to fruition in divine timing.

Thus, there is always an egoless attitude of complete surrender of the mind (ego) to the unknown when the ultimate awakening occurs. And without this egoless attitude of ego surrender, true liberation from duality will never occur.


Only you can liberate yourself from the reenactment drama which the mind has been recreating and you are unconsciously reacting.

Because even if sometimes people can walk with you on your journey of spiritual awakening, but no one can walk your journey for you. (OM 🙏)


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