“Comprehending perfection”

“Comprehending perfection”


This present moment is nothing but “perfect.”

By realizing the Truth, we begin to liberate ourselves into the freedom, as we comprehend that we have created everything in total freedom, with no beginning and no end.


There is no other people anywhere, but only one consciousness. That is the truth, and everything is precious impersonal experiences of this consciousness.

Although we all are various manifestations of the One Consciousness, with spiritual awakening as ultimate goal, but actually further strengthen the pride and sense of separation of our individual minds (egos) by regarding and clinging to our experiences in illusory world we (minds) see as personal. However out of the realm of the manifest mind, consciousness itself is always experiencing all of these things with pure joy and fresh wonder, concurrently.

When we, as the essence, begin to surrender the mind (ego), we gradually become able to see ourselves in others (both mind and essence) and to see others in ourselves (both mind and essence). Thus, the deeper we come to comprehend the essence, Consciousness ( God, Ultimate Love), the more we gradually become one with it.

In this way we leave the personal level and come to sublimate to the impersonal level of pure consciousness (ascension).


Nevertheless, the mind (ego) continues to pour energy into itself by identifying that the mind is who we are, constantly judging something as good or bad, and treating it as if it were fact, and thereby strengthening its illusions (mind interpretations, projections, etc.) and even its sense of it as reality as well.

But the truth is that the essence, the consciousness, is the ocean itself, and each drop of that ocean is us in our individual bodies. No matter how separated our bodies appear to be, there is no separated existence anywhere.

In other words, all illusions arise from what the mind perceives ourselves as a separated existence rather than as the essence of consciousness, but the most significant thing here is the undeniable fact that it is precisely because we misidentify ourselves as the mind (ego) that we can awaken to the essence as the most sublime consciousness.

Furthermore, every single process, even not waking up spiritually, is a valuable impersonal experience for consciousness. The value of not awakening as inferior to awakening, for instance, is merely an illusion held by the mind.

Therefore, there can be no “evil” or “wrong” anywhere in this hidden spiritual awakening journey of us.


Through self-inquiry based on the purest curiosity, “long to comprehend the truth” or “long to comprehend ultimate love,” and we inevitably find complete stillness within that doesn’t affect by the mind (ego), and thus we can encounter the truth by further deepening that inquiry.

At that moment, we directly comprehend the truth by heart, which is that we all are only one consciousness, connected to all.

Therefore, the personal disliking and liking of someone, which we do until comprehension of the truth, is actually an action that is a true representation of the illusion that we (mind) see and of how we are treating ourselves, at that point in time.

In other words, to dislike someone means a part that does not meet the conditions that the mind considers necessary as a person, and what we say or do to someone we dislike is precisely the same as what we say or do towards our unacceptable part. The same is true of liking someone, which simply means that the mind thinks we like someone whom the mind considers as separated existence because they meet the conditions imposed by the mind. This condition of liking is also applied to ourselves, of course, and it becomes the pride (pride) of the Mind when meeting the conditions.

But it is always the mind (ego) that makes these conditions and judgments, and after all, it is all just an illusion of the mind.

Nevertheless, the mind always believes that “I am different from others” and “I can see properly,” but actually, it is unable to recognize simple facts as they are by that pride of the mind (ego), and as a result, it repeatedly treats the mind’s interpretations and projections as facts and automatically reacts, and thereby without knowing it, keeps giving power to the mind (ego), which creates an illusory reality.


For instance, if we read a famous book by the heart (non-dual perspective), we can see that it is indeed about truth and the path to the truth, but if we read this same book by the mind (dual perspective), it becomes a commentary on what is good and right, strengthening further separation of mind’s perception, and contrary to expectations, becoming a spark that creates new conflicts.

Truth cannot be appeared beyond such judgments of “good and evil,” and perfection, too, is not seen by the various conditions that mind fantasies are met.

The truth, perfection, exists at this very moment, transcends far beyond such duality.

This difference between duality and non-duality can only be comprehend when we ourselves reach a truly non-dual, impersonal perspective, and only the heart knows all that is necessary to stand in that perspective.

And this difference between Mind and Heart, of course, each of us must find within ourselves.


We must transcend the dual world of the mind through self-inquiry, in which we look directly at ourselves as we are. Only when we truly comprehend that the Mind and Consciousness, the observer and the observed, duality and non-duality exist simultaneously, duality can completely disappear within, and thereby we can find the perfection of this system.

In this way, we can fundamentally end any conflict and suffering.


Truth will never become old or change anew, no matter how much the times and the world change.

Throughout the various teachings that have been passing down through human history, all of the truly significant and necessary things have all been the same, regardless of whoever and however they have been described.

And only our hearts know the way forward to the truth.

Follow Your Heart. (OM 🙏)


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Divine consciousness, truth, our true nature, the dual and the non dual world, or life.

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