“The path back to essence.”

“The path back to essence.”


We are always being God itself (essence, the Self, Consciousness, Ultimate Love), but by forgetting the sense of the essence and how to connect with it, we are once again searching for the path back to the essence, and that’s called that we are all on a metaphysical journey of spiritual awakening.

In the process of this journey, to live God’s perfection as essence itself in every respect, that is, to surrender the mind (ego) and be attuned only to the essence becomes one of our choices.

We are all through all our superficial illusions, such as going right and left, through trial and error, sometimes worshipping people mind thinks are great, sometimes despising ourselves, and sometimes feeling lonely because we are not understood, we are actually given the opportunity to observe essence of such matters. And at the time, by taking relying on the inaudible voice of the heart, which is beyond the five senses, each of us can discover within ourselves a sure path back to essence.

So to speak, illusions are all giving us an opportunity to discover the path back to the essence, and ultimately, it was essential for all of us who come to this earth to inevitably forget essence, in order to return to it.

In this way, a diversity of spiritual awakening paths (paths of return to essence) are created by each of us who are part of consciousness.


It is not difficult to reach enlightenment.

As we dig into the depths of ourselves in sincere egoless search for the truth through the stillness within and continuing face ourselves, there comes a moment, unexpectedly, when we transcend that complete stillness.

This is so-called transcendence from the dual world (the realm of mind) to the non-dual world (the timeless, spaceless, infinite realm of consciousness).

At that moment, we deeply realize everything with heart.

However, since the mind (ego) does not disappear with the enlightenment, unchangeably the same internal work, not control by reason, not a duality choice between good and evil, or even not any kind of struggle, continues.

Moreover, beyond this moment of enlightenment, the choice of whether continuing to search for further profound truth or not is, in fact, like everything else, completely free and always in hands of each of us.


Nevertheless, the choices we make, no matter where or what they are, are neither right nor wrong, success nor failure, nothing else to judge.

Suffice to say, “right” is everything connected to essence (heart, consciousness itself, God) and “wrong” is everything connected to mind (ego), but through this “wrong” we can realize its wrongness and make a different choice again, and therefore, everything is always the utmost and the best of the level of awareness at the time.

Therefore, in the end, all of them are necessary, and in the big picture, all of them are right.

On the other hand, to regard something as “wrong” and to try to eliminate it, whether one’s own or someone else’s, is to deprive each of us of the freedom of choice with a single judgment of the mind (ego), to also deny each process of each of us, and furthermore, the decisions made, by the mind (ego) which cannot be grasped the wholeness of truth through the heart, are always only one-sided, and no matter what form they take, in the end they are only violence.


The more we can highly and carefully focus on ourselves, inevitably the less our own unconscious, auto-pilot behavior, the more we can hold ourselves accountable for any thought by the mind, or emotion that is created within us.

Through egoless observation at this time, we become more knowledgeable and aware about the ego, while at the same time, the absence of the judgment in our ego-detached observations can make it easier for us to accept the facts as they are and even let go of illusions.

Furthermore, to the extent that we continue to give ourselves room for possibility (i.e., being aware that there is always the unknown and remaining in a state of humility), we can further be led beyond even momentary enlightenment into the world of more profound truths as well.


Although the path back to the universal and therefore immovable essence (consciousness, God, ultimate love) can never be found by the mind, but our heart solely knows the sure path.

Therefore, the more we believe and act on the voice of the impersonal heart, the more we can come to trust it, which in turn can become trustworthy the Self, the unknown, God, consciousness, and the ultimate love, which is far beyond the mind, and thereby the closer to the essence will we inevitably be guided.

And this trust in the unknown is the true form of so-called “confidence”.


What we choose to do is entirely in our respective hands, but whatever that choice is, nothing is chosen without necessity.

For Consciousness as whole (God, Ultimate Love, Essence), everything is irreplaceable and precious.

In other words, each of us, as a part of consciousness, always has an opportunity to change our choice or continue to learn something more profound, wherever and whenever we are on the path back to essence, by this complete freedom. (OM 🙏)


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Divine consciousness, truth, our true nature, the dual and the non dual world, or life.

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