


The world that Mind sees and lives in is dual, and the place where consciousness resides is the nondual world.

To comprehend this non-dual world of truth, no matter how much information we gather and how hard we try to think with minds, as long as we are in the dual world, we cannot obtain anything necessary to understand it.

However, people (minds) are not good at “leaving things as they are” when they don’t understand them (the mind is not good at letting that timing take over, even if there is an appropriate for anyone, the divine timing), and they tend to try to answer by thinking, thereby forcefully filling in the gaps with interpretations or concepts that are actually far removed from the truth, and moreover, the mind reacts to it based on it as if that is truth.

Various perspectives of the minds are in this way like, for instance, for one person “Here are A and B, so this means 5,” and for another person “Is this A? No, it is C, which means it is 1,” and even to another “There is no A, B, or C, it is D.”

However if we look at them from the perspective of truth in the nondual world, all of this is nothing but an illusion.

Herein lies the paradox.

We live our lives by grasping the world with the mind (ego) and reacting to it in various ways by regarding it as reality, but what the mind (ego) grasps is never the truth. This is because truth always exists in the non-dual way, far beyond the dual world of the mind.

However, in order for us to become aware of this fact, we must observe ourselves without any judgment, and furthermore, in order for us to become aware of the necessity of this observation and to observe without any judgment, we must be ready for detachment the mind, connection with the innermost stillness, and so on. In fact, no one can avoid the influence of interpretation or projection by the unconscious mind unless we are ready enough.

Thus, we end up living in an illusory world that is not true as reality.

In addition, during this time, when we hear, for instance, that “it is not reality but an illusion,” it is tremendously difficult for anyone to suddenly believe that the reality in front of us, which we can visually see so clearly, is an illusion, and we will after all remain in the illusion.

This is a perfectly natural consequence for the mind, which nonselectvely grasps only the dual world, and as a matter of fact, no one can avoid this confusion.

Thus, in fact, even if everything is obvious from the non-dual world, we all have to go through the process of living based on what we can see and our own experience to the extent that we can say that everything can be an obstacle to spiritual awakening until we realize it. In truth, this simple but at the same time extremely complex way of being of the non-dual world that exists beyond the visible dual world and simultaneously overlaps with it, where what is essential is invisible basically, is very paradoxical.

Yet, because there is this process, we can come to the only reality, where ultimately there are no other people, where everything the mind sees and thinks is an illusion, and nothing is real.

Everything is seen in the process, and it is a path that we all go through.

In other words, it means that while we are in the dual world, we will struggle before the choice to continue to grasp the world through the known, which is the limitation by mind, or to leave that mind and open our hearts to the unknown.

The foolishness and ignorance of this mind which is not essence, is inevitable for everyone, but that is why we can all become spiritually awakened or even realize that it is not even necessary.

In brief, just as darkness cannot exist without light, and vice versa, light cannot exist without darkness, neither can either exist alone.

Always, without either, all is not possible.


The nondual world is not just an ideology, an idea, a principle, much less a concept, nor a religious teaching, and although the mind of the dual world even cannot grasp the truth, but that is why the depth of the invisible nondual world is profound, and this is, where the profoundness of spiritual awakening, and where also a joy for spirit.

Moreover, even once we have glimpsed the truth, we can be still not completely free from the influence of the mind, but therefore, it’s also true, the more profoundly we sincerely deepen spiritual awakening, the more quietly we will be able to savor its joy of stillness.


Everything is as it is. (OM 🙏)


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Divine consciousness, truth, our true nature, the dual and the non dual world, or life.

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