“The process of acceptance”

“The process of acceptance”


The process of acceptance is well known as “The process of acceptance of death” by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, but all acceptance, whatever the object of acceptance (unacceptable fact), proceeds in basically the same way.

  1. denial
  2. anger
  3. dealing
  4. depression
  5. acceptance

And when the last stage, “acceptance,” occurs, there is always a surrender of the mind’s (ego’s) will (unconditional surrender) and an expansion of awareness (a higher and wider perspective). On the contrary, it can be said that acceptance would not occur without them, surrender of the mind and expansion of awareness.

This acceptance is complete unconditional acceptance, which is different from resignation or pseudo-acceptance through self-suggestion, etc.

And the ultimate acceptance is for the truth about existence. This is something that we all spend our lives doing, but very few of us are able to fulfill in our lifetime. But that is why the mind (ego), which wants to be accepted for its existence, seeks it very strongly, but there is a paradox here, this is exactly a point where can never be reached by the willpower of the mind (ego).

The most important thing is the “now,” present moment, while we observe ourselves as it is in the innermost stillness, and accept the facts in the “now”, we gradually let go of the will of the mind (ego) and thereby move toward a mindless (egoless) state. And that egoless sate, humility, surrender is that leads into grasping the ultimate truth as inevitability, namely the truth finally gets in the gut. It will eventually lead to simply living only the truth as well.

This means that no one can omit the “acceptance of fact as it is” and reach the truth.

Therefore, we all need is always that face the facts at where we are in both simile and metaphorical, and carefully accept them as they are, one by one.


Whatever your current self-awareness may be, the essence far beyond the individual is always inseparably present deep within you as Consciousness itself.

This, in other words, means that complete “unconditional acceptance” for what you are or do by the Consciousness itself has always been fulfilled at the deepest level, far beyond your mind (ego). (OM 🙏)


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