“If you don’t, who on earth will?”

“If you don’t, who on earth will?”


Go beyond the visible world.

Because the mind (ego) cannot observe the truth as it is, no matter how you try.

Whatever comes before your eyes, trust the sure but invisible path the Consciousness itself leads, which is far beyond your personal existence.

Mind (ego) creates all kinds of resistance when it amplifies more illusions where there are none, through its interpretations, past projections, and self-satisfied and self-centered speculations.

So, above all, let go of the ego.



As a matter of fact, most importantly…


You must inquire by yourself more and more deeply within yourself.

You have to find out for yourself the answer to what you really fear and where that fear comes from.

It is not about trying to get an answer, nor is it about being able to give a clear explanation.

You must finally and truly reach the fact by yourself that “there is no answer your mind can draw out,” that “You don’t know anything,” in order to surrender all resistance and for you to accept truly that fact as it is.


If, as your mind (ego) believes, others are separated to you, completely different individual, then why do you listen to the words of that person?

Why you just taking someone else’s word for it, rather than inquiring within yourself much deeper to get a certain answer for you at that time?

Why do you think that someone who should be a separated, completely different individual, can show that is important to you?

Or, contrary, if you believe that there is no such thing as a separated individual, why can’t you let go of that ego like sage?

Why are you tempted to make excuses for various things when you start self-inquiry?

Or why would anything else come up that you have to do more urgently than self-inquiry?

What on earth is more important for you than comprehending what the true nature is?

Find these answers, these truths that you can never express in words, by yourself within the innermost stillness.


By the way, remember that while you are getting clear answers in your self-inquiry, you have not yet reached the innermost stillness at all, and you are as usual, only taking in thoughts, concepts, etc. (all is merely noise, illusion) as true that are convenient for the mind (ego).


If you cannot do this, you will never comprehend anything in the truth, such as authentic happiness, authentic peace, authentic love itself, let alone reach the truth.

No matter how much you superimpose yourself on someone else, illusion is only illusion no matter how far you go.

The truth is the truth whenever and wherever, and on the contrary, one day the illusion will never be able to turn into the truth.

In other words, no truth can be true for you unless you yourself patiently deepen sincere self-inquiry, and the time will never come when you will be able to live in authentic love as the true nature or when you will truly be in a peace. (OM 🙏)


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Divine consciousness, truth, our true nature, the dual and the non dual world, or life.

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