


If we can truly reach the innermost stillness, we will be able to connect to universal wisdom, which is far more profound and true than the knowledge that the mind (ego) can gather.

If we can self-observe in the stillness within, we will be shocked to realize how much the mind (ego) is attached to the past, the future, and other people.

If we can detach from the ego in the innermost stillness without being upset about such the mind (ego), we will be able to let go of all judgment and heal ourselves with the compassion and unconditional acceptance that comes naturally from deep within.


When we access universal wisdom, there is no individual there. Thus, there can be no “I” (i.e., ego), saying, “This is the wisdom “I” have gained.”

Eventually, we no longer need any armor (such as the assurance by someone whom the mind thinks reliable, or the words of someone whom the mind thinks special) to protect the mind (ego), which is the illusory self. Because there is no ego which always fears something, it inevitably becomes fear-less.

Universal wisdom is the wisdom of consciousness itself, and there is nothing personal about it at all.

In this way, we leave the personal mind (ego) and come to become one with the impersonal unknown (consciousness, God).

How on the universe can there be then conflict or problems?


Let leave everything outside of our present self to the Unknown. The Unknown (Consciousness, God) always takes care of us in all aspects far beyond the awareness and perception of the mind (ego) level. And it never fails to take care of us.

Believe in that and continue to attention awareness on ourselves.

However, care by the unknown (consciousness, God) in the non-dual world is not the kind of the mind (ego) that knows only duality expects, such as judging and punishing evil or correcting mistakes.

On the contrary, such a mind (ego) should be completely surrendered to the unknown.

Because no matter how much the mind (ego) seeks vengeance in the form of judgment and justice, the unknown (consciousness, God) will never work to satisfy such the ego, and in fact, that judgment and justice are punishment only against itself in the same mind (ego) level.

Furthermore, that mind (ego) is not essence, the Self at all.

In fact, ultimately, nothing is happening, and it is just an illusion that the mind (ego) or body, which is an illusion, believes them as self, and the illusion that is interpreted and projected in various ways, that is reflected in the mind (ego), and it thinks that it is a fact.

There are no great people anywhere, no terrible events, no nothing.

In other words, there are no souls to save, no evil to eliminate, no people to worship, nothing to praise, nothing at all.


Continue to learn throughly what it means to truly love ourselves.

Then, as we continue our self-observation, the path to profoundness will open before us when we are clearly aware that our heart longs the ultimate love.

Sincerely walk alone with the unknown toward that ultimate love (essence, consciousness, God), then one day we will inevitably realize that we ourselves are the one, ultimate love itself.

There is no need to fear anything.

Good or bad, what is right, how to be better, etc., are all just illusions as seen by the mind (ego), which is the illusory self.

Our essence never dies, and there is also nothing that needs to be fixed.

It is always absolute, ultimate reality.


So what is our essence, which is neither the mind (ego) nor the body?

In order to grasp this essence, transcend any knowledge we have and any world we grasp now, and live patiently and sincerely in the present moment toward much greater profundity.

Such a dedication of each of us will surely be rewarded for each in divine timing. (OM 🙏)


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Divine consciousness, truth, our true nature, the dual and the non dual world, or life.

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